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Citizens Investment Services
Investment Login

Invest with confidence in the future while enjoying life today.

Your investment plan is more than a strategy for saving money – it’s a blueprint to pursue the life you want to live. When it comes to personalized investment management, we understand that no two investors are alike. That's why we tailor our strategies to address your unique situation, and customize strategies to work towards your specific goals.
We believe that a well-balanced portfolio is your best way to manage against up and down market cycles. We help you navigate changing market conditions with an investment mix that can include:
  • Mutual funds
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Fixed and variable annuities
  • Life insurance
  • Other tax-advantaged investments
Our financial consultants can help you with the selection process. They understand that you require different financial planning advice depending on your stage of life. As your financial partner, you can rely on us for professional financial guidance and convenient access, including both personalized and objective advice.

Discover which investment strategies align with your individual goals.

Schedule your complimentary, no-obligation initial review with a financial consultant today.

The importance of an annual review.

The continual pursuit of success requires an ongoing review of your financial situation and the strategies you have in place. We provide no-obligation financial reviews as needed, providing an opportunity to continually access your strategies throughout the seasons of your life.